In 1930, a man named James Harrison was born in Australia. When James was 14, he had a serious surgery and needed a lot of blood. After he recovered, James decided to give back by becoming a blood donor. He started donating blood as soon as he was old enough.
A few years later, doctors discovered that James’ blood was very special. It had a rare antibody that could help save babies’ lives. At the time, a disease called Rhesus disease was causing many babies to be born sick or die. James’ blood could be used to make a medicine called Anti-D, which protected babies from the disease.
For over 60 years, James donated blood regularly. His donations are believed to have saved over 2 million babies in Australia. Because of his kindness and commitment, James became known as “The Man with the Golden Arm.” In 2018, James retired from donating blood, but his incredible story continues to inspire people all over the world.